pp108 : Monitoring and Managing Process Instances

Monitoring and Managing Process Instances

This topic describes the procedure to monitor and manage the instances of a business process.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the Process Administrator role in Process Platform Business Process Engine application package to view instances of business processes by definition.

The Process Instance Manager (PIM) displays information on the process instances, displayed as per the specified filter criteria. This view helps the Process Administrator to view running instances and their state, take decisions to suspend running or waiting processes, or restart aborted instances of specific business processes. This view helps you to monitor and manage process instances.

  1. In My Applications App Palette, click (Process Instance Manager) to monitor and manage process instances. The Process Instance Manager window appears.
  2. Perform required operations in the Process Instance Manager window.
  3. Click Find () on the toolbar to filter the process instances. If you do not specify the filter criteria for process instances, the default filter options are considered. The Filter Process Instances window appears.
  4. Type the selection criteria in the Filter Process Instances window.
  5. Click OK. All process instances that match the specified criteria appear.
  6. Click the hyperlinked attribute in the Total column to view the total list of process instances or the list of process instances which have a specific status. The Instances by Process Definition window appears. Refer Instances by Process Definition Interface for more details about the fields and the operations that you can perform in this page.